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Tooth implants are a perfect way to replace missing teeth, giving you back your beautiful smile. The process of getting a tooth implant requires several steps, and it is important to understand each step so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not this option is right for you.


What are dental implants?

Dental implants are a type of restoration that allows people to replace one or more missing teeth. A dental implant is composed of a titanium post which is surgically placed in the jawbone and acts as a root, as well as an abutment and crown that serve as the tooth replacement.

tooth implants glenmore parkIt’s comparable to having your own natural tooth root replaced with an artificial one, providing a stable foundation for replacement tooth crowns to be attached. Implant dentistry can alleviate issues with bites, speech, chewing and other problems caused by a missing tooth.

Although dental implants require maintenance just like natural teeth do, they can last years and provide improved aesthetics when compared to traditional replacements such as a dental bridge or denture.


What should you expect during dental implant treatment?

Below are the steps involved in the dental implant procedure. 



Initial consultation 

The first step in getting a tooth implant is to schedule an initial consultation with a dentist. They will examine the mouth, teeth, gums and jawbone to determine if there is enough healthy bone to secure the implant. If there isn’t enough healthy bone, they may recommend grafting material onto the area where the implant will be placed or suggest another treatment option.  


Implant placement surgery 

Once it has been determined that a patient is an ideal candidate for a tooth implant, the dentist will perform surgery in order to place the titanium post into the jawbone. This post acts as a root-like structure for the new tooth and is what allows it to stay securely in place. The surgery itself takes about an hour and can be done under sedation or local anaesthesia, depending on the patient’s preference. 


Healing process

After placing the titanium post, it takes time for it to fuse with the existing bone in the jaw – this process is known as osseointegration and usually takes around three months. During this time, the patient may experience some swelling and discomfort, but these symptoms should subside within a few days of surgery. The dentist may recommend taking ibuprofen or other pain relievers during this period of healing. Once osseointegration has occurred, the dentist will be able to move forward with attaching the abutment (the piece that attaches the post to the new tooth) and an artificial tooth (the crown). 


How to take care of dental implants?

Here’s how you can keep your dental implants healthy and strong for years to come. 



Brush and floss daily

Just like with your natural teeth, dental implants should be brushed twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste. You can use a soft-bristled manual brush or an electric toothbrush—just make sure you establish a regular brushing routine that works for you. It’s also important to floss at least once daily; this will help keep bacteria from building up around the implant post that connects the implant to the jawbone. Your dentist may suggest using a water flosser or using special flossing tools, such as pre-threaded flossers or interdental brushes.  


Visit your dentist regularly 

Your dentist is your partner in keeping your dental implants healthy and looking their best! Visiting every six months allows them to check on the health of your gums regularly, examine all parts of the implant, take X-rays, and provide any necessary cleaning or adjustments that might be needed. The cleaning process may include ultrasonic scaling and polishing to remove plaque buildup, which can lead to periodontal (gum) disease if left untreated. 


Avoid hard foods 

Dental implants are designed to last several years if properly taken care of, but they don’t have quite the same durability as natural teeth when it comes to tough foods like hard candy or anything that requires biting into them (like apples). Excessive biting forces can damage implant posts over time, so it’s best to avoid these kinds of foods whenever possible! If you find yourself craving something crunchy, try softer alternatives such as vegetables or nuts instead. 


What are the benefits of dental implants?



Dental implants are among the most durable options when it comes to replacing teeth. With proper care and attention, your implant can last for many years, sometimes even for a lifetime, if you practise good oral hygiene habits. This is in stark contrast to other restorative treatments, such as dentures, which need to be replaced every five to ten years due to wear and tear. 


tooth replacement glenmore parkImproved speech 

When you have missing teeth, it can affect your ability to pronounce words correctly as well as your overall confidence when speaking in public. Dental implants help improve speech clarity by acting like natural teeth and supporting the lips and cheeks better than traditional bridges or dentures. The result? You’ll be able to speak with confidence again! 


Preservation of oral health 

Another great benefit of dental implants is that they don’t require any extra care beyond regular brushing and flossing like natural teeth do. Furthermore, they don’t need special cleaning solutions or adhesives as other restorative options might require, so you won’t have to worry about additional steps when caring for your mouth. Finally, because the implant is anchored directly into the jawbone, it helps preserve bone mass which in turn preserves facial structure better than other treatments that don’t stimulate bone growth over time. 


Who is a viable candidate for dental implant surgery? 

Being a good candidate for dental implants depends on the individual’s medical and dental health – from their overall physical condition to the amount of available jawbone structure. Generally, adults who are in good general health and have enough healthy jawbone tissue can be candidates for the procedure. The best way to find out if an individual is a suitable candidate for dental implants is to have them undergo a comprehensive dental exam with X-rays, 3D imaging scans and sometimes CT scans. This will enable dentists to accurately assess the health of their teeth, gum tissue and jawbone. This examination ensures that any risk factors are minimised so that the patient can make an informed decision about undergoing implant surgery.


Let the team at Bright Dental Group help you to achieve a luminous smile!

When considering the long-term health and maintenance of your smile, dental implants are a great option. Bright Dental Group is here to help you invest in your oral health by offering professional and caring implant services. Our experienced dentists will ensure that the entire experience, from consultation to installation and aftercare, is as smooth as possible for you. With our friendly staff members providing personalised care at every stage of the process, we are sure you’ll be thrilled with the results of your tooth replacement. Don’t wait any longer to feel confident with a full set of teeth – schedule an appointment with Bright Dental Group by calling on (02) 4708 9691 today!



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.





What to know about dental implants

Dental implant surgery

Dental Implants 



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