Dental Cleaning
If regular brushing and whitening toothpastes aren’t cutting it when trying to get whiter teeth, consider visiting your dentist for a general checkup and professional dental cleaning.
After discussing your medical and oral history, your dentist examines your teeth to assess your oral health. Whether there is an underlying issue causing your teeth to discolour, or you would simply benefit from professional teeth whitening treatment, your dentist will identify any dental issues and recommend treatment to help you get whiter teeth.
After the exam, a dental hygienist performs routine teeth cleaning. During this quick procedure, they’ll remove any signs of plaque or tartar, clean and polish your teeth with mildly abrasive toothpaste, and leave your smile feeling fresh and clean.
Dental Consultation
If a dental cleaning doesn’t leave you with whiter teeth and you still are looking for how to make your teeth white, you may benefit from a professional teeth whitening treatment. You and your dentist will discuss your situation and the best teeth whitening options for you at your consultation.
If the dentist determines that the discolouration is due to extrinsic staining, you may be eligible for in-chair professional teeth whitening. However, if the cause of the discolouration is intrinsic, you may need a cosmetic treatment, such as dental veneers, to disguise the flaws.
How to Make Your Teeth White with Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments
At Bright Dental Group, our dentists perform chairside teeth whitening treatments or offer take-home teeth whitening kits for you to get brighter teeth on your schedule in the comfort of your home.
Chairside Whitening
Chairside teeth whitening is a fast-acting procedure with little sensitivity that’s completed in-practice. The treatment can provide patients with instant results, giving them visibly whiter teeth in as little as one hour.
At Bright Dental Group, we use the Pola advanced tooth whitening system for in-chair teeth whitening. The process involves using the Pola shade guide and scale to identify your teeth colour and to determine how many shades whiter you want your teeth to be. Next, your dentist applies the unique Pola whitening agent, which doesn’t require UV light therapy. This teeth whitening treatment is designed to protect your gums and sensitive teeth while whitening your teeth in just 30 minutes.
Take-home Teeth Whitening Kits
An alternative to an in-office teeth whitening treatment is a take-home teeth whitening kit. At Bright Dental Group, our take-home kits come with custom bleaching trays, specially designed to fit your teeth and allow for ample whitening gel.
Depending on how quickly you want to see results, you may be given a stronger gel designed to be worn for as little as 30 minutes a day, or lesser strength gels for overnight wear. Regardless of which route you choose, you can see results within just 10-14 days.
Make Your Smile Sparkle With Bright Dental Group
If you’re looking for an effective way to get whiter teeth fast, Bright Dental Care provides professional teeth whitening both in the chair and at home.
Brighten your smile by booking an appointment online or by calling us on (02) 4708 9691.
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